Things change all the time, so it’s important you review your Will on a regular
basis or when anything big happens in your life which is likely to affect the
choices you’ve made.
Typical reasons for changing your Will
* If you have children (more children) or grandchildren.
* If you get married – marriage automatically revokes a Will in England and
Wales (but not in Scotland).
* If you get divorced.
* Someone named in your Will as a beneficiary, executor or guardian has died.
* If there
It is perfectly legal for you to write your own Will. Most people’s affairs are
relatively straightforward and are perfectly suited to using our services. Affio
allows you to express your wishes simply and clearly and then translates them
into the same legal language as a solicitor would use.
It is important your Will is legally valid, clear and will do exactly as you
want it to – that is why getting the right sort of help in putting it together
is vital. A poorly drafted Will could mean the f
What you decide to include (or not) in your Will is up to you. You can go into
as much detail as you want, or just cover the basics – it is more about making
sure your savings and possessions (your estate) go to the people you want it to
go to.
Being absolutely clear about who you want to benefit when you die will not only
remove any doubt and help avoid any family disputes, but also help your loved
ones sort out your affairs at what will be a difficult time for them.
First things first
A good
Young or old, if you’re over 18 you should have a Will. Let’s face it no one
knows what’s around the corner and it makes sense to be prepared.
If you’re at the younger end of the scale with no health issues or
responsibilities, perhaps getting a Will in place isn’t the top of your
priorities, but still shouldn’t be something you keep putting off.
When a Will should be a priority
It obviously becomes more important to have a Will if you’re older or you have
health issues. It is also important i
There are a number of formalities you’ll need to follow to make sure your Will
is legally valid. If your Will is deemed to be invalid when you die, your estate
will have to be dealt with as if there was no Will, being distributed according
to the rules of intestacy and not as you’d requested.
The good news is that the rules for making a valid Will are quite easy to comply
with, so really there’s no excuse for getting it wrong.
For a Will to be legally valid it must be:
* Made by someone who is
Free wills month is upon us and if you happen to be 55 or over this provides you with the chance to create your will completely free of charge. If you have ever considered making a will and have been baffled by the terminology this guide will provide a fast reference for common rules and terminology in plain English.
1.What Makes A Will Valid?
It must be made by a person who is of sound mind who is over 18, voluntarily and without pressure. It must be signed by 2 witnesses that are not benefic Read More »
You may have seen notices or advertisements promoting Free Wills Month. If you
are not sure what it is all about then this article will help you to understand
what the Free Wills Month program is all about and learn about its benefits.
Free Wills Month takes place in March and October each year and offers you the
chance to prepare your will free of charge. The offer applies to those 55 years
of age and older and may be used to create your first will or to create a whole
new will even if you ha Read More »
You may already know that the month of October is Free Will Writing Month. This
is a great opportunity for those that haven't already prepared this vital
document to do so without charge.
For the entire month of October those aged 55 and over can write a will and
leave their estate, assets, and valuables to their loved ones. Appoint an
executor, name beneficiaries and make sure your legacy goes to the right people.
There are several places where you can write your will for free during the mont Read More »
When creating a will to document the division of an estate or assets, the
tendency can be to look for a will writing service that is located close by.
Historically the large majority of people have visited their town center or
high street and prepared their will with a local solicitor.
In fact, the term ‘will writing services near me’ scores very high for the
number of searches in Google’s engine.
This demonstrates that for those looking to write their will there is a common
thread of seekin Read More »
You have until June 4th to write your Will
[] and
register it for free with The National Will Register
[] using code
The National Will Register is a trusted partner of the Law Society of England
and Wales. The register is used by individuals, families, organizations,
government agencies and law firms to register their will. There are over 8
mi Read More »