
The Affio blog is where we post news and updates on writing your UK Will, our online Will writing service and how to make a will in the UK. We believe writing a Will is something you should be able to do yourself and hope to keep you interested and informed.

What NOT to include in your will

There is a lot of talk around the importance of writing a will to ensure that your money, property, and other assets are bequeathed to the family members or children that you wish to nominate as beneficiaries of your estate. However, did you know that there are certain types of financial assets and property that you should not or cannot include in your will? These types of assets are usually jointly owned or contain some sort of instruction that dictates what happens to the property should you

Pros and cons of writing your will online

If you have recently been considering making a will then you may have stumbled across one of the many online will writing services. While this may look like a fast, efficient way to prepare your last will and testament, it may have left you with some unanswered questions. Here we will take a look at the positives and negatives of using an online service for your will preparation. Pros Convenient Preparing a will online saves a trip to the solicitors office and means that you can write your

When should I update my will?

If you have documented your wishes that are to be carried out after your death in the form of a will, you will need to review it periodically. Having your estate and finances distributed to people of your choosing can be handled legally by way of a will. However if your circumstances change you may want to alter things like beneficiaries or change assets that are bequeathed to a specific person. Life brings about many changes and there are a number of instances where you may need to amend your

What would happen to my partner if I die without a Will?

In the eventuality that the unthinkable happens, you will need a will to make provision for your partner or spouse.  This will not only ensure that they are financially provided for, it will saves months of painful legal process and potential disagreements with other relatives. Making a will is not always on the forefront of everyone's mind especially when daily living, work, and other things take over. However, it is a sound part of your overall financial planning. If you happen to die befor

Why should I use an online will writing service?

Traditionally, the way to write a will and get your affairs in order has been to engage the services of a solicitor. Having expert help to walk you through the legal steps required gives a level of comfort and security when it comes to making plans for your estate. It also comes at a price. Using a solicitor to document how you want your finances and assets managed in the event of your passing does not come cheap. It can also take more than one appointment which can rack up the cost. An onl