Knowledge Base

Who will take care of my children if I die without a Will?

If you have children under 18, have you ever considered what would happen to them if you were to die? Who would look after them? Guardianship For many people, appointing people to look after their children if they die is one of the most important functions of a will. These people – guardians – will have “parental responsibility” for the children. A person with parental responsibility is entitled to take decisions on behalf of a child for example about education, medical treatment and where th

Why make a Will?

Having a Will can make sorting out your affairs much clearer and easier for your friends and family at what will already be a difficult time for them. It is only by having a Will that you have a say in the things that matter to you. These can include: * Who your estate will be left to – especially important if you’re not married to your partner. * Any specific wishes or funeral arrangements to be carried out. * Minimising the amount of inheritance tax to be paid. * If you have children,